The weather in Greece! Greek language lessons - Greek123

The weather in Greece! Greek language lessons

The weather in Greece! Greek language lessons

The weather in Greece! Greek language lessons

The weather in Greece! Greek language lessons

Weather in Greece hides no surprises: shiny and blooming spring, pleasantly hot summer, rainy autumn and cold winter are the main characteristics. So, usually, when you ask about the weather, the answer is pretty much the same!


Speaking Greek

Τι καιρό κάνει; Ο καιρός είναι καλός!

How is the weather? The weather is fine!


Modern Greek language learning



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Imagine visiting a Cycladic island like Paros, Mykonos or Folegandros during the summer. Islands have a typically Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and milder winters.The temperature can rise up to 40°C (over 100°F) in the shade. It may sound unbearable but “meltemia” will chill up the weather: a strong northerly wind that reduces humidity and makes your days and nights cooler and even more pleasant. The side effect is that sea is rather unpredictable! Ferry schedules may change and this is a great way to enjoy a few more days at the beautiful islands!

 Modern Greek language learning


Speaking Greek

The sea is still.

Η θάλασσα είναι ήσυχη. OR Η θάλασσα είναι λάδι.

Τhe sea is wavy.

Η θάλασσα έχει κύματα.

ΟR Εχει φουρτούνα.

It is very windy.

Φυσάει πολύ» OR Εχει πολύ αέρα.


Greek language lessons

So, when in islands and visiting a καφενείο (traditional coffee shop) there is no more pleasant way to start a discussion with locals.



Speaking Greek

Ωραία μέρα!

What a lovely day!



Greek language lessons

Not only will they respond politely but they will inform you about the next day’s weather! Most of elderly people (παππούδες- γιαγιάδες) can predict the weather just by observing the sun (ήλιος), the moon (φεγγάρι) and the sea (θάλασσα). Don’t hesitate to ask!


Speaking Greek

How will the weather be tomorrow?

Τι καιρό θα κάνει αύριο;

The weather is perfect!

O καιρός είναι υπέροχος!

Ιt is a lovely day!

Είναι μια υπέροχη ημέρα!

The sun is shining.

Ο ήλιος λάμπει.

It is shiny day.

Είναι μια λαμπερή ημέρα.

The sky is clear.

Ο ουρανός είναι καθαρός.



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Wintertime (χειμώνας) weather in Greece varies from area to area. By November, the picturesque sunsets and endless blue skies disappear. Daylight saving time, effective in October, makes days shorter. It rains often from November to March and the weather can get surprisingly cold. You may enjoy snow on the mainland and especially the mountains. Pindos, Olympos the high mountains of the Peloponnese and Crete are coveredin snow during the winter, and it occasionally snows in Athens.



Speaking Greek

Will it rain tomorrow?

Θα βρέξει αύριο;

Will it snow tomorrow?

Θαχιονίσει αύριο;

Ναι, θα χιονίσει. Όχι, δεν θα χιονίσει.

Yes, it will snow. No, it will not snow tomorrow.

The rain is heavy.

Βρέχει πολύ.

There are clouds in the sky.

Εχει συννεφιά.

I enjoy walking on the snow.

Μου αρέσει να περπατάω στο χιόνι.


Greek language lessons

Nevertheless, a sunny day is not that rare in wintertime and then strolls in the woods or by the sea is refreshing! Sunshine is the most vivifying characteristic of Greece. Architecture, habits, even mentality is influenced by the sun. Ancient Greeks deified sun, philosophers praised the power of sun, poets, from Elytis to Seferis tried to capture the shine in lyrics.

Watch this enlightening Modern Greek language learning video and learn everything about the weather!



Speaking Greek

Γεια σου Αννα! Hello Anna!

Γεια σου Νίκο! Hello Nikos!

Ωραίαμέρα! It’s a beautiful day today!

Ναι, πολύ ωραία! Yes, it’s very nice!

Θα βρέξει; Will it rain?

Δεν νομίζω. I don’t think so.

Ακουσες τον καιρό; Have you heard the weather report?

Τον άκουσα. I did.

Και τι λέει; What did you hear?

Λέει πώς το απόγευμα θα βρέξει. It will rain in the afternoon.

Λέει για χιόνι;What about snow?

Όχι, δεν θα χιονίσει. Δεν κάνει πολύ κρύο για να χιονίσει. No, it will not snow. It is not that cold to snow.

Σου αρέσει το χιόνι; Do you like the snow?

Μου αρέσει όταν κάθομαι σπίτι και δεν πρέπει να δουλέψω. I like it when I am at home and I don’t have to work.

Γεια σου, Αννα. Καλημέρα! Bye Anna, have a good day!

Γεια σου, Νίκο, καλή σου μέρα επίσης! Bye Nikos, have a good day too!


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